Republicans, It's Time To Flush The Toilet
Tomorrow will be a legacy-defining day of Republicans' lives, how far will they let Trump go?

If Donald Trump loses convincingly to Kamala Harris tomorrow, how will that play out? Polls suggest Pennsylvania will be too close to call all night thanks to the GOP’s subterfuge legislation slowing down the counting of PA’s early votes, but will Republicans quickly jettison him and announce “we need to move on from Trump” if at 8pm Eastern Time Harris is surging ahead of the polls in Georgia, North Carolina, and at 8pm Central Time it’s apparent women are dramatically outvoting men in Michigan, and Wisconsin? Will Republican members of Congress nip an election fraud scheme in the bud by conceding the election quickly?
Republicans squandered one opportunity already to exile Trump by backing down in the impeachment trial after January 6th, but tomorrow could be another chance to put the country first. I suspect most representatives and senators honestly don’t know what Trump will try to do, and are likely even nervous. He’s going to try something, we all know that. But it’s not like Trump is patching in every member of Congress into whatever corrupt, crackpot enterprises Rudy Giuliani, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, et al. have been likely planning for months.
At bare minimum Trump will launch stupid, frivolous lawsuits in the judicial system, and pretend Pennsylvania’s slow early vote counting is proof of fraud, and rile people up against election officials nationwide, and try to convince state officials to betray their states’ elections and invalidate their constituents’ votes so that the election can be thrown to the House of Representatives where cowed Republican legislators can commit the biggest crime against the Constitution in US history.
So Republicans: don’t let him! Throw him in the dumpster of political history. He’s a fascist idiot who isn’t conservative, and has never shown any personal loyalty to any of you. He has cost you so many winnable elections over the last 6 years because of his divisive insanity, and he’s the legitimate demagogic threat the Founding Fathers feared.
And he’s such a giant loser. Republicans lost the elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022 because of him. He cost Georgia both its Senate seats right now. Trump is the reason Democrats have controlled the Senate for two years. On paper Republicans should have had a customary huge red wave in the 2022 midterm, but that utterly fizzled out because Trump turned the election into a referendum on MAGA insanity instead of a referendum on the Biden Administration.
And Trump picks loser candidates. His handpicked lunatics like Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Herschel Walker, and Mark Robinson have turned several lean-red states into lean-blue states in their statewide elections. This is why it’s accurate to call the GOP a cult of personality: Trump dictates terrible candidates based on how much they suck up to him personally. Tomorrow North Carolina is going to pick a second consecutive Democratic governor because Mark Robinson, who Trump claimed absurdly was better than Martin Luther King Jr., is truly a basket of deplorables in one human form. The Trump brand is a loser!
A Harris victory tomorrow will be the second Electoral College loss and third popular vote Trump has lost. And the fifth straight popular vote loss for the Republican Party. And the eighth in nine.
Frankly, Trump is an electoral albatross around the GOP’s neck, and, if you consider how poorly incumbent administrations are doing throughout the whole industrialized world because of COVID burnout and inflation, a generic Republican would likely be doing far better than Trump. Incumbents everywhere around the world are unpopular. India’s Modi took a shellacking recently, the UK threw out the Tories, the party of France’s Macron has had to rely on an anti-authoritarian coalition, Canada’s Trudeau is politically drifting, Germany just lost elections against far right nationalists… Poland and Brazil have had big political swings in their last elections. Anti-incumbency is very high globally. Trump is kind of an incumbent himself, but he gets the benefit that Biden and Harris took all the political arrows from the COVID recovery that was made tougher because of his intellectual incompetence and partisan negligence.
So will Republicans finally cast Trump aside if he’s losing convincingly on election night, and wash their hands of this unpopular, election-losing political and cultural trash man? He will be 78 years old, surely too old and senile to run again in four years. Compare the difference between 2016 Trump and 2024 Trump on YouTube… he has degenerated significantly. He cannot do the job of president for four years, he did a shit job the first time around, and his power over Republicans will be removed once and for all if they do the right thing.
Republicans, it’s time: flush the toilet.
A positive thought to palate-cleanse your Internet reading:
I love seeing examples of cross-species friends. We’re only at the tip of the iceberg observing this thanks to cheap cameras beginning to proliferate everywhere, but I love random nature camera videos where a deer is walking around happily with a cougar, or a bear does something surprisingly anthropomorphic, or like a fox and a badger are playing with each other. Our view of animals and nature is quite warped because we only see animals really at their zoo-incarcerated most bored, or their most panicked prey or threatening predator moments when they stumble upon us, but then you see a trail video of a badger and fox playing hide-and-go-seek in a drainage pipe together for fifteen minutes, and it’s a pleasant thought to think that probably all kinds of fun things like that are happening in nature. There’s also a whole bunch of terrifying eating alive… but let’s just think about the nice stuff. 🥃
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They need to flush the toilet, then they need to disinfect the entire sewer system out to the treatment plant, then gather that wastewater garbage and put it on one of Elon Musk’s Rocket Ships 🚀 and shoot that crap straight into outer space. 🪐 That way nobody will ever have to smell that shit ever again!!!
The eyes 😂 and hair.