Republicans and sympathetic media pundits are gaslighting America when they pretend Democrats’ rhetoric is in any way related to the attempted shooting of Donald Trump.
First off, when Democrats say Trump is a threat to democracy, they’re pointing out the fucking blatant obvious.
Trump is the only president in US history to refuse to acknowledge losing an election, and the only president to incite a coup attempt to stay in power.
He agrees with his critics when they say he wants to be a dictator, and he won’t stop saying he’ll be a dictator on his first day. He also won’t stop fawning over the strength of the world’s dictators. In fact, virtually the only world leaders he compliments are dictators.
Trump explored how to order the military and national guard numerous times to shoot protesters. He has been advocating for more police brutality his entire political career, and his most signature campaign slogans are about locking up his political opponents. He retweets and retruths idiot social media trolls who imply the need for violence, and pontificates what his “Second Amendment people” might someday do.
Meanwhile, the party Trump leads tirelessly obstructs any and all gun control, and often suggests everyone should be armed at all times in public. His party’s Congressional candidates film hundreds of campaign videos of themselves shooting things with big guns. Some of their annual Christmas cards feature their children holding AR-15s. They are obsessed with guns and “taking back our country.”
Trump has told his biggest insurrection-prepper fans to “standby.” He was so amused at his followers chanting in a murderous mob to hang his vice president on January 6th that he refused to tell them to go home until after it was apparent the members of Congress and security forces had narrowly avoided who knows what forms of violence, humiliation, and/or murder.
And maybe it doesn’t help that Trump every chance he gets lies with the objectively false claim that crime is out of control, even though throughout the Biden Administration crime has been steadily decreasing following our era’s crime peak during Trump’s presidency.
Trump, and Fox News for decades, have been ginning up unnecessary fear, exaggerating paranoia, and concocting conspiracy theories related to crime, so the dangerous temperature of our politics right now got to this boiling point thanks to daily talking points revolving around caravans of Mexican rapists and ISIS terrorists invading over the border to come attack us and replace us, and how if you step foot in a city you will be robbed and murdered, and how Democrats want to turn America communist, fundamentalist Muslim, or any other sensationally ludicrous slippery slope destination.
But, yeah… it’s Democrats who are the problem for vocalizing loudly and soberly to American voters that it’s fucked up how obsessed with guns and violence Republicans are, and how obsessed with dictators and ending democracy Trump is.
Fuck off.
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I commented right away I wondered if trump waffling on abortion was going to cause an extreme right winger to lose it, since they wouldn't have gotten the memo it's just a ruse to try and win
All this is true yet somehow voters still prefer this idiot over a senile geriatric who spends all our tax dollars on kicking up conflicts with other countries. We are Zionist lapdogs who are controlled by the highest bidder. America gets the president it deserves