Melania Trump has a new book coming out titled Melania, and early reviewers are expressing shock at how negatively she writes about her husband, Donald Trump.
The following are some exclusive excerpts from the book:
Donald’s morning hair and makeup routine takes twice as long as hers.
Donald's hair is implanted and 3-feet long, and is only attached in the back. The hair is wrapped around his head like a turban.
Donald has “saucer nipples.”
Donald asked her to call him "John Barron" on dates.
Donald has a TV in every room so he can watch cable news television wherever he goes.
Whenever he hears his name said on TV, he yells at everyone to shut up so he can hear what they say about him.
Donald keeps the TV on while sleeping, and snaps awake every time his name is mentioned as he mumble-yells, “What are they saying about me?"
When Donald farts he bends his head down to his knees, takes a big whiff, and yells, “Take that, climate change!”
Melania has lunch with Stormy Daniels once a month.
Donald has a tattoo of his own signature on his mons pubis.
Throughout Donald’s presidency, Melania threatened to humiliate him with a divorce several times to win all kinds of concessions from him. She procured Barron more money in Donald’s will than either Eric or Don Jr. will get, and she will receive Trump Tower in New York.
The first time Melania met Donald’s son Eric, Donald whispered in her ear, “I’m not really the father of that one.”
She won't vote for Donald in 2024 because if he gets reelected she’ll have to decorate the White House for Christmas four more times.
Every time Melania and Barron are in the room with Donald, they pantomime little improvisational scenes when his back is turned where they act out stabbing him, choking him to death, or shooting him and burst out laughing.
Donald kept a dog kennel in the Oval Office, and when he was angry he’d force Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Mark Meadows, or someone else nearby to get inside so he could scream at them, hit the sides of the kennel with a baseball bat, spit on them, and pour Diet Coke cans all over them.
When Donald sees a spider he screams and yells for Barron to come kill it.
Donald didn’t think he’d actually win the 2016 election, and peed his adult diaper a few times on election night when he realized he'd actually have to do the job.
While Donald was president, Melania would occasionally buy cockroaches and let them loose in Ivanka’s White House office.
Eric Trump, to this day, continues to think her name is “Malaria.”☕
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Truth? Fiction? Parody? Which is which? It's all Laughable, in more ways than one!
I'm looking forward to when his 3 ft of hair wraps around his neck and chokes him into silence and submission! He can't Lie, when he can't talk!
…this is exactly what the fuck is wrong with our stupid country, she’s ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT