What happened when Oliver Twist asked Mr. Trump for "more?"

When Trump the Grey led Frodo and Sam to hurl the Ring into Mt. Doom?

What about all those Harlequins where the poor, broke, intern falls in love with the billionaire and gets raped by him?

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I've actually written a much longer Lord of the Rings idea lol


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This Christmas Carol is the best ever!

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I think so too :D

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Oh my...I think any one of these plots would make for a great novel! A documentary about Trump might work too.

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I think someday I will definitely write some cartoonishly comic screenplay of the Trump presidency.

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I’m partial to the Krakauer book, myself. The thought of Trump going to his just reward like that is poetry.

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Trump exiling himself for us would be *chef's kiss*

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Very funny satire because trump’s awfulness comes through in each character

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These are brilliant! I'm a fantasy genre fan so:

Lord of the Rings:

Trump keeps the One Ring because it's too far to walk to Mordor, and there are no golf cart charging stations along the way plus it might be worth a few bucks someday. Plus he can't find any loyal companions to go with him that will last more than 2 days

Can't understand why the Republican Party is bound to him as if by magic, but hey...he'll take it. Never puts it on though because it makes him invisible and he can't stand that.

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I like your ideas too!

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Bah! I just saw that you did one! :)

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I hope you liked it! :D

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