I will not waste my musical talents on that mockery, a Convicted Felon Orange Parasite and his asshat magats. I will celebrate MLK DAY.

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I heard Scotland was sending all the bagpipe beginners. Lmfao

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I think they should all play Baby Shark over and over

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Are some of these protests real (eg. the kazoos?). I would love to join them if so. If it's a parody, then it's not funny because they're good ideas and disappointing that they're not real

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It’s a cruel tease, satire!! Always has great ideas, always satire!

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If Lara Trump really sings at Trump’s inauguration, it will be because everyone with talent turned him down.

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I might watch if the trombone, trumpet, bagpipes, and kazoo start playing. That would be so glorious.

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I hope this happens and continues throughout the day, so no one can hear his terrible voice.

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I heard thousands will be wearing Epstein masks!

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Request Colonel Bogeys March

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I’m in where can we send them food/snacks/water💙💙💙🔥🔥🔥🔥👊👊👊👊👊

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trump won’t mind. As long as he has an audience

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Is it true that there is 90 million dollars set aside for that day?????

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Here’s hoping

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Funny stuff here, needed a good laugh this morning!

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