Is that why he was running through the capital? He was seen earlier in the day pumping his fist in the in the air. All these mem getting so worked up in Trumps behalf.. Was the fist pumping for solidarity or a warm up for solitude.
Trump can be such an inspiration for MAGA men. A phone full of NFT's and let the good times roll.
Is that why he was running through the capital? He was seen earlier in the day pumping his fist in the in the air. All these mem getting so worked up in Trumps behalf.. Was the fist pumping for solidarity or a warm up for solitude.
Trump can be such an inspiration for MAGA men. A phone full of NFT's and let the good times roll.
Is that why he was running through the capital? He was seen earlier in the day pumping his fist in the in the air. All these mem getting so worked up in Trumps behalf.. Was the fist pumping for solidarity or a warm up for solitude.
Trump can be such an inspiration for MAGA men. A phone full of NFT's and let the good times roll.