Mar 8Liked by The Halfway Cafe

Let me get this straight.

Trump wants to build an underground bunker in a place where the water table can be 5' below the surface?

This should be fun.

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Mar 8Liked by The Halfway Cafe

I heard he took over the ‘dollar dance’ tradition too. Mumbling constantly ‘this will never be enough.. ‘

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This is pretty darn hilarious...

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Mar 10Liked by The Halfway Cafe

@BridgetCollins said it first! An underground bunker in Florida, on the coast! May he be buried forever with his non-decomposing diapers🤣

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Mar 14Liked by The Halfway Cafe

He’s gonna lock himself in like a 3 year old.

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Mar 10Liked by The Halfway Cafe

Perhaps he will serve his sentences in bunker-confinement

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